Oral Presentations
Presenters must ensure that they have their presentations loaded one day prior to their presentation (Concurrent Session presenters are not permitted to use their own laptops) The AV Technician will be available to load presentations :
Tuesday 1 December: Rangimarie 1 Level 3, 2-5pm
Wednesday 2 December: Oceania 1 Level 3, 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm
All other times (Wednesday - Friday) Oceania 1 Level 3 during refreshment breaks.
Please see the AV Technician early if you have any special requirements such as audio or embedded videos.
Concurrent Presenters:
Please make yourself known to the Chairperson prior to your session. You will have 7 minutes presentation time, 2 minutes for Q&A. Sessions will be timed with a ‘2 minutes to go’ and ‘1 minute to go’ cards used and a bell to signal time up. There is only one minute between presentations.
Poster Presentations
Posters will be displayed on posterboards in the Oceania Room on Wednesday and Thursday. Poster Presenters are required to put the posters up themselves. Conference staff will remove the posters at the end of the day and poster authors can collect from the registration desk the following morning. Please ensure that your poster container is clearly named.
Poster Session 1: Posters up by 10.30 am Wednesday
Poster Session 2: Posters up between 8.00 am and 10.30 am Thursday
Poster authors are required to stand next to their posters on the nominated Poster Session - please note that there will NOT be oral introduction presentations this year.
Audiovisual Equipment
Each lecture room will be equipped for the presentation of Power Point slides and include a data projector, computer (with external speakers), lectern and microphone. Multimedia clips should be embedded in your slides. Other audiovisual aids, such as Overhead Projectors, are not available.
Presenters will take their Power Point slides and associated media files to the conference on a memory stick, where an audiovisual technician will load your presentation. All slides will be run from a central presentation computer. However, if you have a complex presentation, which includes multiple media files, we suggest you bring your own laptop as a backup in case of difficulties loading your presentation.
Te Papa uses Windows 2013 and Office 2013 software suites only. Any Mac presentations need to supply their own Macbook and output adaptor ending in either HDMI or VGA, or be converted to Windows Powerpoint/Adobe PDF.
Te Papa screens are 16:10 widescreen format. Other formats (16:9, 4:3) will still work fine, but may not fill the whole screen.
Any presenters embedding videos into powerpoint we do ask to also have the PPT and video file separately to play in case embedding does not work.
Presenter Registration
All presenters (concurrent and posters) will be required to register for the conference by 1 October 2015 and pay the appropriate registration fee. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs (student members may be eligible for a travel grant)